Social media education

Social Media & Educations-Pros and Cons

If you haven’t heard of social media, you have been from the past with a very important mission and were very surprised at what you see when you look around. Social networks are everywhere and become an integral part of every modern human being. In case you’re a time traveler and you don’t know what social networks are, we’ll explain it to you

How can social networks help teachers and students?

Social networks provide people with the ability to communicate with technology. Social networks are intended for social interaction of people through various electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, computers, etc. This social interaction is continuous, continuous and remote. It is not necessary to be in one room-people can be thousands of miles from each other and still have the same communication if they were in the same room on the street. You can say that social networks now cause unhealthy dependency on hundreds of people, but every medal has retroactive effect, and with the right approach, social media can have more advantages than disadvantages

The Beauty of Social Media

Today, many schools and universities are trying to integrate social media into the education process. Many universities have their own web sites, where professors have downloaded all the necessary materials for students, can communicate with them in case they have questions, can share files with them and download estimates. Many professors create forums on university websites where students can discuss a new chapter or an interesting book or solve some of the problems they encounter when they work on a mission

The professors can answer students ‘ questions and participate in the discussion. Thus, people will have more time to communicate with their colleagues outside the classroom, and the professors will have a better chance of assessing the work of each student on the basis of their individual answers. Some professors go further and allow students to communicate via Facebook or Twitter, as these social platforms allow users to see and respond to other people’s responses immediately. With the help of social media, students can create new communities, find people who share their interests, and help each other in their studies

Use Twitter for education

Teachers study the world of technologies and social networks as actively as their students, and are constantly looking for ways to use them to make learning easier and more attractive. For example, Twitter has become a very useful tool in the educational process. You might think that the ability to leave 140 characters of messages is not important, but in fact people found a way to make them very useful. So, how can you use Twitter to teach? To start with, Twitter helps many teachers organize classes. For example, when a target for a target is two days or there are some changes in the schedule, teachers can send a branch to their students as a reminder

A 140-character message is ideal for this purpose. You may have found a brilliant website or a brilliant YouTube guide, which, as you know, will be very useful for your students while they are working on a new home work. Of course, you want to wait until you meet them in class – all you need to do is send them a link to Twitter and let them enjoy the find. You can ask questions to students and use them as quizzes. If you are an ESL teacher (English as a second language), you can use the twwits as an example of the language used on the Internet. It is an excellent platform that can be used in sociology or class of psychology to study modern culture and communication. In other words, there are dozens of ways to use Twitter as a learning tool-everything depends on the teacher’s desire to make the class more entertaining

What about our favorite YouTube?

Another powerful platform, which is used by a large number of teachers, is YouTube. With the help of YouTube teachers, you can switch to the model turnbar in the class. This model allows students to give their students all the materials before the class, so that students can work with their homework and other exercises during the classroom. How do I do that?

Pinterest Is Getting More Popular

Another big platform, gaining popularity since 2008 and which is extremely popular today, can be successfully used for education. As we all know, Pinterest allows us to gather certain information that people can comment and share. So, for teachers, this tool can be very useful because they can organise photos and videos that their students will use at home, working on their projects, or they can

As social networks are so important in our lives now, we need to use them for educational purposes, because they can help us make this process simpler and more entertaining